Saturday, June 20, 2009

Peopled Who Use "Impact" Instead of "Affect"

My pet peeve is bad grammar. I especially hate it when people use the noun 'impact' as a verb. Whatever happened to affect?

It seems language is now infected
The verb impact I have rejected
Did you flunk English lit
You illiterate twit
It's the wrong word you have selected.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's the wrong word you have selected
And high time you were corrected
But if argument is your desire
Poor intelligence I must inquire
Could be your affliction
Since accurate diction
Is to what us thinkers aspire.

Is that last line grammatically sound? It feels awkward.

Anyway, I know how you feel, it's really annoying me. It feels as though in the last twelve months it has become worse. I feel as though I am the only person who believes that 'affect' is sufficient and that 'impact' should only be used to describe a physical collision of great force and NEVER related to an abstract concept i.e. the economy.