Saturday, May 16, 2009

People Who Spread Germs in Public

Dear Dervish, I hate when people cough or sneeze into their hands in public, and then immediately touch something that other people necessarily have to touch, like a door handle, a railing, or one of those support poles on the Metro. We all saw what you just did and we're not only disgusted by you, but you've effed with our day, because now we have to make the choice between bracing ourselves on the moving train or catching whatever swine flu you're passing around. Thanks. In lieu of a bottle of Purell, can I get a haiku or limerick?

I once saw man who spread spittle
Sneezed in his hand, I'm not talkin a little
Spread his germs on the railing
Someone soon will be ailing
Screw you and your germy transmittal.

1 comment:

TeamIlnicki said...

i didn't think you could get any better at writing limericks when you started this blog, but hot damn.